
hard of hearing

I'm hard of hearing I'm not dump I'm not stupid Im not broken or I'm i impairedI lived in two word the hearing and the  deaf.I'm not ashamed to be hard of hearing I use my hand lot to communicate with other around.I have my own culture My eyes hear and see what I can't hear rightI'm proud to hard of hearing It making me who I'm I very special and extraordinary person to be around withI'm proud of who I'm and what I'm and what I'm

the woodcutter family

In the year 1930, there was a family called Ross and their mother was Ann, and her husband was called Johannes; they had twins, one boy and one girl. They called the willow and hawkey. They lived in woods called hollow woods. They had been living there for four years before they had the twins.  Living there as a woodman, and his wife was a factory worker sewing for people in the town called fishermen. Sometimes went by, and Ann became pregnant with twins.  Ann still went to work to support them as they were expectedting twins. And her husband Johannes went out and copped wood down to make furniture and for fire wood for everyone in town. Which he make into furniture of all  kind and sell then to the town people for money. Johannes would wait until someone comes to him. And say what furniture they need for the house or school. They worked all day Johannes would work till it’s get darks and finished, but this wife Ann finish after dark and walk home.  And her husband J...

Let go fly a kite

 Let go fly a kite High into the sky Where the wind blow free Higher and higher up into the sky Let's go fly a kite into the sky up high

In remembrance of Johannes Surkamp

You were the best teacher and my best friend I  had at Ochil Tower School in the 80s and through out your life and mind. You learnt me to trust and understand people from different countries.  And their cultures in the world today. You learnt me NO MATTER want DISABILITIES or LEARNING DIFFICULTIES,  we have. We can make a difference to many people we meet in our lives.

one night

NOVEMBER 13th 2015 One night I had a dream of being somewhere many moons from here. Here's where my dream starts. I dream I was in land called dream land in there I was a fair godmother to the young fairs there and showed them how to be goo at want they do. Once I did that it was my turn to go and be a fairy and help children in there dreams. One of the children that I was visiting as a fair was lonely and shy one. It was my job to help her make some new friends in the dream world as well as the real world when she woke up from dream land. The girl name was Annette and she just moved there and it was strange too her. I found her in a corner crying in dreamland. So the fairy godmother which I was went over to the girl Annetta. May I help you my child and why are you crying here. Annetta said," what can you do to help me as this place is not real. The fairy godmother said," it may not be real place to you but to the children and young adult that dream come here to play in d...

we stand together

We stand together Throw think and thin No wars or hate will separate us We stand together Throw love and sadness  No matter what happens we be together We stand together 

why do I lose things

Why do I lose things close to me. Things i care about and people. Persons i care for  Why do I hurt people in the world I must be a bad person. Or I'm not quite right there Why do I lose or hurt people