the woodcutter family

In the year 1930, there was a family called Ross and their mother was Ann, and her husband was called Johannes; they had twins, one boy and one girl. They called the willow and hawkey. They lived in woods called hollow woods. They had been living there for four years before they had the twins.  Living there as a woodman, and his wife was a factory worker sewing for people in the town called fishermen. Sometimes went by, and Ann became pregnant with twins.  Ann still went to work to support them as they were expectedting twins. And her husband Johannes went out and copped wood down to make furniture and for fire wood for everyone in town. Which he make into furniture of all  kind and sell then to the town people for money. Johannes would wait until someone comes to him. And say what furniture they need for the house or school. They worked all day Johannes would work till it’s get darks and finished, but this wife Ann finish after dark and walk home.  And her husband Johannes made her dinner by the time Ann got home. Ann and Johannes sat down to eat and drink at the table which he had made himself. When they moved in a few years ago. During the night, Ann started to have pain, and she tried to wake up her husband to let me, Johannes, is it the babies coming, my dear? Ann said I don’t think so my dear. Let see how it’s go and hope it gose away.  As the night went there pain easy and by morning it was gone.  Morning come Ann got up and went to work in the town and her husband got up and went to work in the woods. During her work, Ann started to have pain again, but this time, she was going into labour with the twins. Her work colleague went to the boss and said that Ann was going into labour and needed a doctor to check her out.  So the boss called the door to come to the workplace.  The doctor said on the phone it would take me 20 minutes to come. The boos said but I have a lady that might be in labour. It will take me 10 mins to get to you from my house here and get my things ready too. The boss said ok, but before as quick as you can please. The doctor said ok ill be as quick as I can be sir. After about 20 minutes the doctor arrive. When he arrived at the factory door ,he knocked on it and the boss answered it and shoe the doctor   to his office  where Ann was holding the babies. So the doctor looked at them both and they are all well. But she and babies need to go home and rest. He said to Ann you have twins one boy and one girl. Once the doctor looked over Ann and her twins babies the doctor said I can walk Ann and the twins babies home to her husband to rest for a few weeks. The boss said to doctor ok. So Ann and the twins babies and the doctor walked out Of the building and down the road to the forest, where her husband was at home making furniture for people in the town. Ann called her husband to come to the door. Her husband came to the door and saw The doctor first asked if my wife Ann ok. Then Ann said yes, I’m here, and so are the twin babies. They both went, and all of them sat down and chatted to each other. The doctor, the boss of the factory, called me and said one of the ladies there was in labour and I came over. It was your wife, Ann. The husband, Johannes, said Is everything OK with them all, doctor. The doctor said they just needed plenty of rest and peace. Ann said to the doctor, how long must I rest and relax and when can I go back to work? The doctor said for 6 to 8 weeks and I come round and check on you and the babies from time to time and go from there. Ann said what about my work ,and who gis oing to bring the house money into the house. The doctor said ill go back to your work and speak to your boss and arrange all that. So he went back tto he factory and spoke to he boss and after a while he agreed to pay 8 weeks pay to Ann and her new family. So Ann will be back after that time as Ann is one of the best workers we have here. So after an hour ,they arrived at Anne’s house to tell her and her husband Johannes what bhad een arranged. And they both were happy about it. He walked to the front door and walked back up to the town and back to his house for the night. 
A while went by, and Anna rested and relaxed, and the twins grew a bit, too. Anna and Johannes named their twins Fiona and Rowan, too. 
It was almost 8 weeks ago, and the doctor came to check them again as he had been doing over the weeks. The doctor said how are you all doing these days my lady. Anna said, I’m well, and the twins are doing well. Anna also asked when can I go back to work to. The doctor said in a week o,r so I think. Anna said ok but why an r week I’m well enough to go back tomorrow. they are doctor said you might be ready but are you ready to leave the twins babies here for the day.  Anna said not yet there still very young and need feed throughout the day. 
Then next week for me and the doctor will go back to the factory to tell her boss about when Anna is coming back to work. The time flow fast and the week come and gone. She made up bottles for her husband Johannes and showed to feed The twin asked how often to feed them, too. Monday morning came. She got up, fed the twins, and was ready to go to the factory for the first time in 9 weeks. She said goodbye to her husband, Johannes, and said the bottles of milk were in the fridge, too.  Her husband Johannes said great, and see you when you come back from work. Days, weeks, months, and years went by, and the family and twin grew up in the forest, the parents working daily. 
We are now in 1935. By this time, the twins Fiona and Rowen were 5 and they went into the town and played with the kids in the town will be going to school and meeting some of the children from the town again. 
Fiona and Rowen waited in the school for their mother to come and get them and take them home again. And have dinner with their father in the cottage in the foster as They have done this for years 
Over the next years, the twins grow up over the years. TwinThe twins to school and left at 15 years old and helped their parents to the family house.  
In the year 1947, the Discdescenta shop sold school books for children and families who did not have a lot of money for books for school. They spoke to their parents and they said that would be a great idea for my children. But we would have to go to the town hall to see if that is ok with it. 
They all went to the town hall to talk about the shops in the town. After a while, they all come out with paper to the shop that they have got to rent as a family. And went to see where the shop is in the town.  They found the shop after a little walk down from the town hall. They went in to want need to done or clean. It took a few to do all the check and they all left to go back home for the night. 
Weeks went and the shop went off like gold people would come and get books and pencil and pens for their children for there school.  And the family kept the shop well stocked with all kinds of things.
Many many years went by 1960 there parent had retired and Fiona and Rowena run the shop on they own. By this time Fiona and Rowena had family of there own. Fiona had a girl Jessica and live in a town next to her sister with her husband called Dave. Rowena had a boy called Mathew and stay in her parents house with her husband called Neil. They all lived happily ever after.


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