Princess Annette band from the castle by Suzanne spencer
Princess Annette band from The castle July 7 2001
Once on a time there was a kingdom called high toon with a prince called nick and his mother was called Marie and his father was Sam. The prince grow up and two years down the time his parents had three more children which were princess called petra, Annette and Martha. There live in there castle at the end of the kingdom high toon. Then one morning in August when there were having breakfast a maid come through with three letter for the queen to tell her that the other kingdom have accept his hand in married to her son Nick But Nick was not very happy but this at first. Then he ran out of the big hall through the hallway to door and ran out to his horse got on it ride away into the wood that day. His horse was called hawk and rode it for a while in the wood then his horse throw him off into the river. While he lay there on the ground the horse rode back to the kingdom. When horse come back without the prince Nick on it. The princess Annette was playing in the yarn when she the her prince Nick horse turn up there without him on it. The horse name was sky. So she took hold of the horse and put it in the stable. Then she went in for lunch and with her parents and to tell her parents what had just happen that afternoon. Then after lunch she told her parent that she was going to look for her brother prince Nick. It took her 10 minutes to get ready. Once she was ready she took the horse out of the stable and put on a saddle on the horse. She rode off the direction of the woods where she think her brother might be there. On the where the horse suddenly stop in its tracks and princess Annette spoke to the horse. " what is the matter sky do you know where my brother prince Nick is" the horse said," nee nee and started to ride off again in the direction of the woods near by. Princess Annette said," go and find your master my brother prince Nick. So after a litter while of riding the horse stop again by a tree. This time prince Annette got off and tide the horse to a near by tree and went to where there was a branch of a tree on the ground. On the other side of the branch there was her brother the prince Nick badly hurt. Princess Annette said," to her brother I need some more help." Her brother prince Nick said," my sister Annette please don't leave me here alone in the woods. I'm cold and very hungry." Then his sister princess Annette said," I have to go and get some more help to get you back to the castle. Where you can get the help you need to get better. But first I'll give you a a black from the horse and food from of bag. That should be enough to keep you warm till I return with more help my brother prince Nick. I'll also leave the horse to protect you from any harm. I'll won't be long. So bye for now. Her brother prince Nick said," ok hurry back my sister princess Annette as it's getting dark here in the woods now. So Annette rode as fast as the Nick horse would aloud her to go. She rose fast and it took about 20 minutes to get there. Once there she tide up the horse and went in the castle to look for her parent or other sister to her help her in the woods. The only people she could find were her two sister in the kitchen preparing food for supper that night. When she entry the kitchen Annette said," do you know where our parents are today. I need there help with something. Petra and Martha said," now if we help you with what every it you need help with my sister Annette. There sister Annette said," ok but you must promise do exactly what I say there ok." Petra and Martha said," ok we promise to do I sister Annette." Annette said," well we need some blackest and sledge and some rode to tide to his horse. And some hot drinks too. While her sister got everything they needed Annette got the Nick horse ready with the sledge attach to the horse. Her sister come with the other stuff and put it on the sledge. Once everything in the sledge and the other sister were on there own horse they rode off towards the woods to help there brother Nick. Just before they left Annette left a massage on the table in the hallway in the castle and here what it say on it.
{dear mother and father,
I have gone with my two sister to the woods to help the
with my brother who is hurt badly there.
If you get home could you get the doctor over.
Your daughter prince Annette }
Once she had done that she went back to the horse with sledge behind it and got on it. Annette then said," let go and get our brother now and help." So off they all went to the woods where there brother was lay in a lot of pain and waiting for his sister to return. After about 20 minutes they reached there brother prince Nick. Who was laying by a brach on the ground. His sister princess petra Martha put blanket over him and gave him some food and hot coco to drink. Before leafing him into the sledge and Annette polled the horse with the rope tried around it rase. Annette went slowly back to the house it her about 25 to 30 minutes to get back to the castle where there parents were waiting on to return to them. The other two sister followed on there horses and once they were all there. There first put the two single hot prose away first. Then Annette said," to her sister please hold the horse while I slowly take of the sledge and you can put the horse away too. So her sister held the horse careful and Annette untied the rope and removed the sledge from the horse. Once that was done Annette and her two sister carrying there brother prince Nick into the castle hall where his parents were waiting and took over carrying him to the lounge. They made him comfortable then there father Sam said," to his wife please go and get the doctor and bring him back here." So that want his wife did and his children help there father to make there brother comfortable and warm till the doctor come over. It took his wife 10 minutes to get the doctor house and once there. She gave the doctor some information as she know it that day. The doctor said," gave me 5 minutes to get my bag and coat then I come will you to your house my lady. Once he was ready they both went back to her house. They got there and she took him to lounge where her husband was waiting on her coming back with the doctor. The doctor said," could you please both leaving the room so I can exam the child and I'll tell you to come back into the room afterward. Do you have any more children in the family. The father said," ok we'll do that and wait for you to call us back in once you have finished examining our boy prince Nick. Yes we do have three more children daughters. Why do you ask that doctor." The doctor said," it will take me about 20 minutes to do that. So why don't you make us a cup of tea till you wait for me. It just in case I need to take some blood from them to gave to your son prince Nick. In the meantime tell you children to go play in the yard away from this room. So that what he ( the father) and told his three daughter to play in the yard. During this time the doctor looking at the prince Nick and the doctor found out. That the prince Nick had broken his arm and leg. After he look hike all over he started to package up the arm and leg which was broken. He put the arm in a sling and banged the leg and call the father and mother back in the lounge again. The doctor said," you has one broken arm and one broken leg. I have made hime comfortable for now and the rest is up to him and if he the will to heel." The king said," what do you mean if he has the will to heel doctor." The doctor said," I mean he has infection as well to fight." The queen said," is there anything we can do to help him get better doctor." The doctor sad yes, there is keep him warm and gave him plenty flues to drink. Please don't move him from here for at least three week. In which I'll be back to check up on him then. If you like you let your other children come in now. So the queen call her three daughters back in to see there brother prince Nick again. So there come back in and see there brother who was lay on the lounge. The elder princess Annette said," what is wrong with our brother prince Nick. What is wrong with his arm and leg my mother and father." Her mother said," you brother Nick has a broken arm and leg my princess Annette. He need plenty rest and quite to. As from now till he is well enough to get up. We'll visit he three time day and that all." Princess Annette said," ok but can I care for him as I'm the elder sister with some help from you mother and father. Please, please my queen and mother." Her mother said," ok you can I do but must also stay here in the lounge with him. In case he need your help during the night." But the was one thing the queen forgot spending a penny. Princess Annette said," o mother what happens if he need to go." Her mother said," what do you mean need to go my child." Then the king her father said," I know what she mean my queen my wife. Who will take our son to the toilet if he need to go." The queen said," o I forgot about that little detail my husband. I leave a solider outside the door for that occasions my husband." Then the princess Annette said," it tell you all left the lounge and let hime get some needed sleep for now." So they left the lough and went into the kitchen for a bit to eat and drink. During this time prince Nick was sleep and while went by and he woke. He call out to his mother and father to come to him. Princess Annette said," I go as I'm caring for him with a some help from you mother and father. Her mother the queen said," ok off you go and see what he would like. The king her father said," before you let take some food and drink to him too. I can carry it in for you to the lounge my dear child." Princess Annette said," ok let's do then father." So that want they did and when they got they. The first thing prince Nick said," I need to go and I need some help. The king his father said," I can help you as I'm here now. So thee king did that and he bring him back to lounge after 10 minutes or so. This went on for three week but in-stand of the king doing that job during the night a solider did it. After three weeks went by the doctor return to check the prince nick arm and leg. The castle door went it was the doctor again. He said," I'm here to check up on how the prince Nick is today. The queen said," please come in my doctor. The doctor went and the queen showed him to lounge where the prince Nick has been for three week now.
To the doctor surprise the arm and leg had heeled perfectly and without a scare left. The doctor said," who was caring for him all this time my queen." The queen said," my elder daughter Annette here. Why do you ask doctor." The doctor said," cause I think she got a great gift to helping heel and get better quickly and I could with some of her gift with my round in the town here my dear good lady. What do you say." The queen said," my daughter and son don't work for anyone they are royalty here." But then Annette said," but mother I would like do help the doctor out as I did with my sick brother here. Please let me help him." Her mother said," no I won't allow it your prince not nobody Annette. But Annette said," why mother, I need to do something with my life." Her mother said," cause I'm your mother the queen and your do as your told my dear Annette. Annette said," no mother I won't. For once in my life I'm going to do won't I like ok." Then her mother said," if you do that I'll will take away your tale of princess and bane you from this castle." During all this the rest of the family was listen and watching the outcome of it all. Then her son Nick said," mother you can't do that she our sister and part of the family here. There mother said," yes I can Nick but it's her chose what is more important to her. Her family or help the doctor in the town there. So princess Annette said," both are important to me but in different ways mother. Mother I'm going to help the doctor as I did my brother prince Nick here in the Castle. So you can band me from the castle but not from what I believe in mother." So her mother did band her daughter princess Annette from the castle as long she was help the doctor there. Her other sister said," together to there mother. Mother why can we help other less well off from us. We may be princess here, but we would like to help out in the town down there." There mother said," cause I said," so ok and that that now. Then Annette said," no mother I'm doing what I believe in and that that to." So Annette went to her room got a few things to get her though a few day in the town and said," good bye to her and siblings there and went with the doctor back to town. A few day went by and her brother said," to his mother I'm going to see my sister in the town and would you like to me say anything from you then. His mother said," no she made her choose what more important to her and it not us here prince Nick." Prince Nick said," no you asked her what was more and if you remember she said," both are important to her. But you still band her from here. But you can't band us from seeing her she is after all our sister. One day god forbid if you get ill, you need her help and will she come back. His mother said," I heard enough now." Prince Nick said," ok but I'm going to see even if you don't like. She is my elder sister and she need her family around her." So off he went to see his sister and she had changed in a lot of way for the good. They talk for a good while about all kind of and she then asked about her mother and how she was. He said," you mother hasn't changed her mind about thing. Can I came and see you again please . His sister said," yes please as often as you like. Then it was time for him to back to the castle again. So this went on for many months, the one day in the month of November there mother was very ill. Princess petra said," I'll go and get the doctor to came and see her and find out want wrong with her. But when she got there the doctor was nowhere to be seen. The only person that was there was her sister Annette. The minute Annette seen her sister she said," nice to see my sister petra is there anything wrong at home. Her sister said," yes mother very I'll and we don't know what wrong with her Annette. You know if can't come up as I band from the castle by our mother my sister petra. But I can see if the doctor would see her for you later on today." Her sister petra said," I have already tried to see the doctor and he no where to be seen in the town. That why I come to see you if you come up mother is not well at all. She need help form someone please sister please." Her sister said," ok gave me a few minutes to leave a note for the doctor to tell him where I'm if he needs me ok. So that what Annette did and here want the note said,"
{to doctor I'm up at the castle as my mother is I'll and need to be checked. And as you were not there. I went in stand. Please come up there when you return.your nurse Annette.} Once that was done they both went up to the castle. Petra called to her brother Nick couldn't get doctor so I found my sister Annette. I'll take her to her mother and see what is wrong with her. So Annette went to her mother room and knock on the door. Her said," mother, please do come in." To her surprise to see her daughter Annette that she had band from the castle about a one month ago. Her mother said," I told you your were band from the castle so why are you here in my bed room. Daughter Annette." Princess Annette said," my sister peter come to the doctor place to get the doctor to come and check you out . But the doctor wasn't in and I was. So I come in stand to check you out mother. So let me do my work here." Her mother said," ok but I'm not to happy about it." So Annette check her out it was very bad cold with lots of pain the body. By this time the doctor was just come to the castle door. He knock and petra went to answer it and showed him to her mother room. He ( the doctor) said," hello Annette what is the matter with your mother now." Annette said," I think she just got a very bad cold with a lot of pain the body doctor. Could you please double check to see if I'm right. So the doctor check and said," you are right in what you though it was and I suggest that she stay in bed for a week or till she can get up and be herself. Then her mother had a change of heart and told her daughter Annette that she could come back into the castle and be part of the family. And then the queen also said," from this day on my children can do what every they like as long as they believe in it. So the family and the town people lived happy every after.
The end
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