Two stories ,tree of life  and fair godmother

Once about time there was a tree that grow in the words near a village called rosefall. It been there for Many years passed and no one know why it was planted there for. Till one day boy decided to question and went to ask the elders about the tree. So the boy went to the town hall and went to a man about the tree and its history behind it. The man he asked said well let me get the book on that tree near the village. It took the man about 20 minutes to find the right book on the tree on the shelf. Once he found it he took it to the table and opened It to see what it real on the tree. Here what it's say on the tree there. The tree that stood outside this village been there as long as the village has been here. It's also protect the village and its people in there too. If you or anyone remove or damage it will harm the way of life in this village here. And dad things with happen in or around the village. So people looked after tree and the tree looked after the people for many year till one day in the middle of winter a new family moved into the village and thing stared to change in the that village. The new family name was hallow and in the family they had three children's. They are called Kay , john and Lillie lark. There use was very cold so the father Jo decided to go and cut some wood from the tree near by there by them and the village. Which out in the woods Jo come across a tall tree with many branches around it? Just as he was about to cut an boy called Sam from the village playing in the wood. Coming running up it him and saId hi sir you can't cut that tree there. Jo said why not my boy. So the boy called Sam told hi. About the tree and why it can't be cut or its branches. That is the live of the village here. Then Jo said But me and my family are cold in the our house in the village here. One branch of the tree want change or make any different to the live or the way its run in the village my boy. The boy called Sam are you willing to take that chance my good man. There is other way to you house warm. I'll show when we back to the village tonight my dear good man. So Jo said ok and didn't cut any of the tree branches. What will you use for fuel then son. The boY Sam said you'll when I do it when we got back to the village to night. That night the boy came to the man house to show him , how to keep his house warn without use any wood. So the boy Sam put some power in the fire and said some magic word while the power was in the fire. Then the room light up with a nice glow of heat and it become very warm. Jo said how long with the heat stay in this room and what about the rooms , we have in house. Sam Said the whole house is like this room and very warm. It will last throw the whole night. Jo said what if you need more heat or lease what you do then. Sam said will say the word for that and here there are {lit there be heat and warm this house  for the day. } Then Jo said what if you heat at night to then Sam. Sam said all you do is chance the word DAY to EVENING or NIGHT TIME warm sir. If you want can try it now sir. So Jo gave it a try and warm the whole house automatically from daytime to evening time and then to night time. Then Sam you must keep these word right and put a little of the power on the fire once a it my time to go back home. By the time he want to go back home it was to dark for him to leave. So Jo wife said Mai made a bed up in the living room for the night. Then Jo asked Sam what number was his house, so he could tell his parents he is ok. Sam said two door down the street from here and it's an golden color. So Jo went to Sam house and knocked on the door and waited for a answer from it. After a few minutes the door open and the Sam mother stood in the door way. She said may I help you good sir this cold dark evening.  Jo Said you boy Sam was helping me with keeping my house war and is dark now and my wife thought it would be better if he stay with us for the night if that ok with you my good lady. Sam mother said that would be ok as my son doesn't like the dark very much sir. Could  you say goodnight to hide from his mum here. And see him in the morning. Jo said I'll do that and you have a goodnight yourself my good lady. You have a very special son there. Sam mother I know that sir I'll said goodnight and goodbye for now. So jo did the same and she close the door behind her and Jo walked back up the road to his house. It took him 10 minutes to get back and he open the door and went into the living room. Where by this time the Sam was asleep on the sofa with his wife Mai setting on the chair close to him. Just in case he he woke up fighting. His wife Mai said what did Sam mother said my husband." She said that that it was a good idea as he is a a frightened of the dark my dear wife. His wife Mai said I'll get a blanket to clover him and keep home warm and out two younger children are in there beds an hour ago my dear. Jo said that great and his mother will come around in the morning for him. So they went to bed that after they made sure everything was off and loved for that night. They left the fire going to keep the room warm, as the Sam was sleeping there for the night. The morning came in very slowly for them all, but at least the living room was very warm for them to have there breakfast altogether like a whole family. After while there was an knock on the front door  and Jo got up and went to answer the door.  When Jo opened the door and it was Sam mother coming to collect her son Sam from the family he helped the day before. Sam mother is Sam ready to come home now my good sir. Jo said almost he just finishing his breakfast with us in the living room my good lady. Do come in and have a cup of hot tea with us. Till he ready and so that want she did and everyone enjoyed there breakfast. Sam said to his mother sorry i didn't come last night. Sam mother to her that ok the man of this house come and told me where you were. A while went by and it time for Sam and his to mother to go home to there own place. Jo family enjoyed the new kind of warm of the fire for many months down line. Then one day the fire went out and the one of the boy called john from the went to get the axe and walk up to the woods and started to cut some wood from the tree nothing happened at first. Then John heard a cry and saw dark clouds forming above him. But they were nowhere else. So john run all the way home but the dark clouds followed him back to the village. When John got to the village it look completely different and his father ran out of his house towards his son John father Jo said to him," where have you and what have you done too my son John. " john said," I was in the woods getting some wood for our fire in the house. As it went out this morning father and I have done nothing wrong." John father Jo said Where did you cut the woods from john. You should have come to me first my son." John said," I want it to be a surprise for you father and helped you out in the father here. As I'm the elder son in the family. What have I done so wrong and why is it so dark now. If you want I'll show you were I got the wood from father." John father said," yes please show me where you got them from now."  Before anything else go wrong in this village too. So john showed his father where he got the wood from and his father then said," what have you done to this tree. You have ruin this village and it's lifestyle too. " john said what do you mean father it's only a tree there like any other tree here." John father said its not just a tree it's the live of this village and the people who live in my son." John said well see if we can mend  it before anyone see it. But there were to late in that the by called Sam saw it and ran toward the town hall to get the mayor there. The mayor said," how bad is the tree Sam. Sam said it very bad sir, the branches has been cut off it sir. And the village going badly wrong the food and water are drying up and the fire in everyone house and home are going out slowly too. The mayor said we have no time to wash then. Go and get my book and bag of the wraps and let's see if we can bend the cut branches together again. And try and save the tree from dyeing Sam. So Sam did as he was told and brought the book and bags of tree wraps? The mayor said," as long as there shine still left in the tree. We can still safe it now let bend the branches and say a prayer to help it back to full life again. So they did that and said the prayer and the water the branches and the ground round the tree too. Sam said will that help are we all going to die in this village mayor." I don't know Sam I have done all I can for the tree. Now it up to the try as it may take a few day to see or or a few weeks to mend itself again. So we have some bad weather and no food or water.  So if there any food or water left we should save it and use it wisely amount the village people here. The mayor went and the other went back down toward the village again. After a few days went by the mayor went back up to the tree to see if the Bobby of the branches was healing again. And it was very nicely. Then the tree said," why did you cut my branches off don't I gave you want is needed to live in the this village. The mayor said yes you do but it's the new family that move in the mid of winter and their son cut your branches for wood to keep there house warm. They didn't know your special to the village life and lifestyle here."
Then tree said," there is one way that I can get my full shine back. The mayor said how and what can I do to help that to happen tree." Then the tree said the boy would cut me must come up her and I will remove the arm from which he use to cut me with." So the mayor said his family won't like that very much tree isn't there another way to do it tree. The tree said I didn't like want he done to me mayor and their isn't another way for me to full shine and be back to my usual way in help the village life and lifestyle too. Do you want this back where there were. " mayor said yes we do." Then the tree said." Then bring the boy here by sunset tonight. So the mayor went to the village ands went to find Sam. Sam was in the town yard playing and the mayor said to Sam," do you know where the new family live and could you please take me to them now. Sam said," yes I do know where there live and I can take you to them now. The mayor and Sam went to the family houses. The mayor knocked  on the front door of the house and waited for someone to answer the door. Jo said," good morning to you Sam. How may I help you today." Sam said," is your son john at home Jo, the mayor would like to see about the matter of the Important and about the tree cutting that happened today please." Jo said yes he is and know why you are here. Do come in and I'll go and get him for you now." So Jo went to get his son John. Mayor said," is your son John and were you the one that cut the branches of a tree in the word this morning near the village of ours. John said,"  yes but I'll didn't really know that it was special to the village here and it's way of life here.  Mayor said," can you and your father please came with me now to the tree. Jo and his son John were are we owing now. The mayor took them towards the tree and said," is this the tree. John said yes sir." Then the tree said,"your  the boy that cut me." John said yes tress can't talk." The tree said this tree can boy. You cut of one of my branches and you have two arms. So I can take of an arm for one branch you took from me." John father father said," you can't do that he needs them both." The tree said as I need my branches. Your boy took a branch from me without asking. So I have the right to take one of his arm from him. Then the way of life be restored back to normal again. John father said he didn't mean to do it. The tree said," well that can't be help and he want fell a thing. So let just get on with ok and which arm did you use to hold the axes in. John said," my right one but father the tree can't do. John father said," it seem it can. You cut it and can do the same. It's the only way thing can get back to normal again my son. I'm sorry. John said," but father I'm sorry for want I have done and I want do it again l promise. The tree said," you say that now but want if the fire goes again. Will you come up here and cut my breaches again. I can't take that chance with you. So with a blend of an eye John right arm was gone of his body. After a few minutes the whole village and the weather was back to normal again. The tree said," let that be a lesson to anyone that hurt this tree. And from that day forth the village and the tree lived alone side each in harmony.

Fair godmother November 13th 2015
One night I had a dream of being somewhere many moons from here. Here's where my dream starts. I dream I was in land called dream land in there I was a fair godmother to the young fairs there and showed them how to be goo at want they do. Once I did that it was my turn to go and be a fairy and help children in there dreams. One of the children that I was visiting as a fair was lonely and shy one. It was my job to help her make some new friends in the dream world as well as the real world when she woke up from dream land. The girl name was Annette and she just moved there and it was strange too her. I found her in a corner crying in dreamland. So the fairy godmother which I was went over to the girl Annetta. May I help you my child and why are you crying here. Annetta said," what can you do to help me as this place is not real. The fairy godmother said," it may not be real place to you but to the children and young adult that dream come here to play in dreamland every night. And there one thing that special about. Annetta said," what that then." The fairy godmother said," you can be anything you like and no one can stop of hurt you when your in here. Unlike the real world they can do both to anyone they like. What would you like to be, may I can help you in that way Annetta. Annetta said," I would to have African to play with. As I have no friend in the real to play with. The fairy godmother said," I chantry and help you p, first close your eyes and make a wish and it will here Annetta. So šAnnetta closed her eyes amid wished to have a friend to play with there. After Annetta made her. Wish  she opened her eyes and by her side was a little fair who would like to play with her. Annetta said," so it true if you wish here it come true fair godmother. Fair godmother will go and play together then Annetta. The little fair girl said," let me show you this wonderful land first my new friend.  So they went around the place and they had Annetta woke up in her room that morning. Annetta got up to get ready for the first day at her new school. Her mother walked her to the school and at the school gate was a little girl smiles at her. Annette said to her I wonder if that the same little girl who was in my dream last night. Annetta's mum said that was a dream and they don't come true my child. Annetta said how do you that mother. Annetta's mother said well when I was your age. I had dream when I meet  a fair in dreamland. But by the next morning it didn't come true that how I know my dear. Then Annetta said may it wasn't time or you didn't wish hard enough mother. Her mother said may be but we'll never know now will we my dream. So Annetta and her mother walked the school gate. The little girl said can I be your new friend here. Annetta said yes , you can I would like that very much here. What you name and where you the little fair in fair dreamland. The little said my name is Charlotte and I just started here today and what is dreamland. What is your name too. Annetta said,"first my name is Annetta and see dream land is where you go when your sleep at night when you a in your bed Charlotte. Annetta mother said Annetta I have to go now and I'll pick you up at 15:45 at the school gate. Annetta said ok see you them mum and the two girl walked in the school building. The they surprise they were in the same classroom, and they said by side by side too. The first day at the school was scared but funny in q way too. The first lesson was about getting to one other in the classroom. Then they did same reading and writing and after that is was playtime in the school yards. Then back in the for same more lesson an other things. It went fairly slowly and a while it was time to finish up for the first day of school. Annetta and her new friend Charlotte went to get there things and went to the gate. Where Annetta mum was waiting on her daughter to come out to meet her there. Annetta mother asked her daughter Annetta. How was your first day at school then. I was worried that you wouldn't settles in there. Annetta said to her mother it was great and I have made one new friend and her name is Charlotte mum can I invite her back home please. So we can play some more if that ok to do. So that Charlotte and Annetta said goodbye till tomorrow morning. It's meet you at the gate again. Annetta couldn't wait till her bed time. So she could go to sleep and visit the dreamland and meet her fair friend there again. After a few hour it was time get ready for bed. So Annetta went to brush her bed. She waited for her mother to read her a good night story to her. White her mother was reading Annetta fall asleep and she in dreamland. Annetta arrived in dreamland and was looking for her friend Charlotte the little girl and the fair godmother too. A little while the fair godmother turn up and she said what are you looking Annetta. Annetta said I'm looking for a little fair girl who made me her friend her the last time I was here fair godmother. Then the little girl came and they started to play and she asked the little  girl name Charlotte. To her suprise is was and how and why she here in dreamland. So Annetta and Charlotte play there all night long. They had so much fun there that night run in faster than usual. The sun was about to raise in the sky and her mother come into her room. Her mother said time to get up and go to school my dear child. So Annetta get and dressed and had breakfast and told her mother about the place she went the night before. Then is was time to walk to the school and to see her new Friend at the gate that morning. When Annetta saw Charlotte at the gate Annetta shouted to her and ran toward her and gave her a hug and went to the build. The school day went great and then it was time to go back home again. Just before Charlotte said my mother said I should stay over with you one night Annetta. Annetta said to her mother can I she stay tonight please. Her mother said yes you can  and they went went to dreamland together And the fair godmother. So you have made a friend how and Charlotte and Annette thanks the fair godmother for her work. Now everyone in dreamland has friend to play with in dreamland. So made sure you wise and dream that they come true for you.


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